Last night as we were sleeping

Last night as I was sleeping,
I dreamt—marvelous error!—
that I had a beehive
here inside my heart.
And the golden bees
were making white combs
and sweet honey
from my old failures.

- Antonio Machado. Translation by Robert Bly
Times Alone: Selected Poems of Antonio Machado

Thanksgiving Day / Peñalba de Santiago in The Valley of Silence

Dear Pilgrims, Sojourners and Friends,

I am writing to you on a crisp Thanksgiving morning from a little rustico mountain house in The Valley of Silence - at the end of a long and winding road uphill from Rabanal on the Camino Invierno. We are getting creative after this long stretch into the wild unknown and have decided to try new things in hopes to connect and inspire while caring for ourselves as we emerge into a new time on the Camino de Santiago.

For the time being, The Stone Boat will be serving as a vessel for creative Camino-related projects while I head up the mountain on a little retreat of my own. This feels strange, exciting and a beautiful way to see what those golden bees might transform into sweet honey inside this pilgrim heart of mine … that I can in turn share with you.

In full Camino Magic form, our Artist in Residence, Leigh Brennan, has arrived on foot and is now tucked in at The Stone Boat. She is the creator of the well-loved Camino Cafe Podcast and will be sharing stories and interviews from Pilgrims (and Wayshowers) both on and off the Road. We are both in deep gratitude and appreciation for this special opportunity that has presented itself. Um … that isn’t to say that we haven’t had to work for it! More on that in a future podcast with the two of us sharing more the story over something strong. You can find more information on The Camino Cafe here.

Most of all, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for all of the support and encouragement I have received over the years to realize this pilgrim’s dream of The Stone Boat. I never could have imagined how the journey would unfold and of the life-changing Soul appointments I would encounter. It has been a privilege to tend to a little piece of the Holy Road for a time. There are really no words that can express this. I will be pondering all of this way up here in The Valley of Silence, and maybe one day I will have collected the right words to tell the tale. Until then, this journal page will hold the shorter stories and images, some glimpses of hermit life, news from the Camino de Santiago and other bits to inspire and remind that the Road is waiting for you when the time is right.

Go Bravely!

There is a link to subscribe at the bottom of the home page here.

Below is the door to the new Stone Boat mountain hermitage… and the welcoming committee, Rocky, who knows where to get his daily Scooby Snack.

Father's Day, Fifty, and creating a life.

Last night the ocean dreamed me. I was sailing over the surface of a dark sea and could taste the salt spray carried on the wind. It felt like flying.

I woke up late today. The church bells I usually hear at eight were lost over the roar of the deep, I figured ... must have needed the sleep. It has been well over a month of getting up early to meet the carpenter, the sound of power tools and lots of dust. This morning all was silent, seems the hard part is over. Except for a hole or two in the ceiling - It has been well over a month of getting up early to meet the carpenter, the sound of power tools and lots of dust. This morning all was silent, seems the hard part is over. Except for a hole or two in the ceiling - crafted just right for that beautiful wood stove gifted by Freddy, guitar maker and founder of, - it is a wrap ... time to clean, patch, paint and put the beds together.

First things first. Today I have turned fifty. Contemplating this, I sip strong coffee while feasting my eyes on this little pilgrim kitchen taking shape before me through the generosity of many angels and helping hands. Be Bold! is what Fernando the carpenter told me at the start of all of this. I look forward to revealing the big picture to you in the coming days.

Favorite mug from the ferretería (Spanish hardware store).

Favorite mug from the ferretería (Spanish hardware store).

I finish my coffee and decide it is a good day for a drive. Over the country roads I go ... through blooming fields ... to see what I can see. The little truck putts on through a handful of small villages - most without a soul to be seen. I park and find myself at the giant wooden door of an antique shop, stepping inside - I think I found a clue to last nights dream ...

The tiniest ships figurehead I have ever seen ... Was I her in my dream last night?

The tiniest ships figurehead I have ever seen ... Was I her in my dream last night?

Stella Maris. Mary, Star of the Sea.

Stella Maris. Mary, Star of the Sea.

Only mystery allows us to live, only mystery. - Federico García Lorca, Spanish poet

Only mystery allows us to live, only mystery. - Federico García Lorca, Spanish poet

It is hard to explain Camino Magic, the mystery of this Land, and this journey. I do my best to remember to live these days, letting them unfold with a natural rhythm and timing. When I try to rush, push or force, it is like trying to sail directly into the wind. The sails begin to luff and I find myself in irons. I get nowhere.

Recently, I asked a Seer-friend of mine … what it is exactly that I am doing here on this mysterious Holy Road? She said simply, Kim, you are here to create a life.


I was born on Father’s Day, 1968. My dad is one of the kindest, generous and authentic beings that I know, and has encouraged me my entire fifty years on this earth. Never a discouraging word to my dreams, always gifting with his time, a lucky hat, or treasures - including the Lorca book that has traveled far and wide with me.

The Rainbow Bench on the Camino just after the Cruz de Ferro.

The Rainbow Bench on the Camino just after the Cruz de Ferro.

On the way back to Rabanal, I pass the Rainbow Bench, just after the Cruz de Ferro. I think of my dad every time I see it. The simple graffiti an inspired pilgrim left behind reminds me of that time I entered a 24-hour skate-a-thon at the Rainbow Roller Rink on the Western slope of Colorado. I was about nine and determined to take on this challenge … alone, of course. Somewhere about 8 hours in I lost steam and called on dad to come and pick me up. I give up, I simply can’t do it, I say. I am just too tired. ... But, when I saw him come through those doors in a swift rescue, I suddenly caught my second wind and was whipping around the rink. He asked if he should stay and I said no, that I could continue - I felt strong! He said okay! You can do it! … I would end up calling him back in the middle of the night from the payphone by the popcorn machine. He drove back to the Rainbow Rink and stayed with me until I finished my Quest. I can remember he even took me for an egg mcmuffin reward afterwards. And in the years since, always supportive and reminding me that all things are possible … that the adventure, life experiences, and people that we meet along the way are the most valuable of all treasures … love, kindness and a little mystery here and there is Gold.

Dad (Joe) at Blue Heaven in Key West.

Dad (Joe) at Blue Heaven in Key West.

So, I send out this little sketch of my day ... a thank you for following along on the journey of The Stone Boat, the kindness and support that has been flowed my direction, and a message to say happy Father’s Day, Dad. I am fifty and finding my second wind …

Go Bravely!